Sonntag, 14. September 2008

First Blog online NOW!

We got it NOW. OPTIM´s first blog is online NOW!

The last trip we did was our little summerweekend in saas-fee ( switzerland). On 28.07.08 we started for our two days of snowboarding. After 5 hours driving we arrived. On the first day we could just ride for two hours. But it ain´t no thing. We did the best. And here are some of the best impressions.

Old man having fun by sliding

over a deadly canyon

Freeskier doing some sketchy
backflips in the pipe

Love this trick. fs blunt danish

some brown boots and jeans!

this was our hotel.

Everyone who ever wanted to touch Jan´s ass,

should now click on it.

Some posing in front of hills.

Mr. Nice Guy

Look at this fresh shirt!

throwing down some

fs blunt danish!

posted by Wichtel

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