Montag, 22. September 2008


We´ve planned a nightsession a few days earlier. Today it was done. Johnny, Wichtel and me went to our local spot, the schoolyard. We wanted to take some photos with wichtel´s good cam but the battary was low so we had to find another solution. We took Johnny´s little digicam and seperate ligthenings of a big cam. These are the best shot´s of the nightsession!

Johnny Fs Smith Grind

Johnny bs Smithgrind

Johnny Crooked

Wichtel doing kinda fakie crooksstall?

Nice rock to fakie

one more

what a cool backside flip over the hip

Wichtel doing highlightning bigspins in the mini!

Look at his golden shining trucks! he´s a pimp.


Do you see the light of the Alien UFO?

He killed them with this fresh Killspin!

Looks like a Kranich! Bs Smith


posted by Jan

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